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Journal number 2 ∘ Alexander Vasiliev
Metaeconomics - a New Direction of Economic Thought Metaeconomics - A New Direction of Scientific, Philosophical and Economic Thought

The author’s Internet search for scientific papers related to the evolutionary approach in modern theoretical studies of to economics as a science and practice of social development, unexpectedly led us to two scientists who proactively established the new direction indicated in the title.
Therefore, before presenting to the readers new research results, it is necessary to briefly present modern Internet sources and some substantial information that have been found about the mentioned scientists and their publications. Historically, the first - judging by the received information, the founder of this direction is the Georgian scientist George Malashkhia (Doctor of Economic Sciences, who has many publications in different countries since the 70s of the last century). Information about him is available on Wikipedia (see Metaeconomics). Unfortunately, his main paper "Metaeconomics - Philosophy of Economics" (Tbilisi, 1995) was published in Georgian language, but if we make a judgment based on the text of Wikipedia, we one can roughly imagine his fundamental provisions and directions, which are primarily related, firs of all, to the problems of humanization of society in the existing economy.
The author outlined the concept of moderation in consumption and accumulation - the determinant of rational consumer behavior as a factor of general welfare, and a high culture of consumption. Furthermore, he introduced new elements into the classification of people’s needs, adding social and spiritual ones. He explained the essence of taxes and their nature in a new way. In an original way he outlined the negatives of capitalism and socialism, the process of global historical metamorphoses, the upcoming transition to a new society from capitalism and socialism; he rejected the basic idea of historical materialism about the determining factor of the economy in the life of society; He proved the role of the human factor - ideas, consciousness and their development in the historical process, etc. He also showed us fundamental changes in the mega structure of the wealth of society, in particular, changes in the intangible (spiritual and social) and material parts, as a result of which the interrelation of material capacity, energy intensity, cost, physical volume and other decreases. He gave a new definition of the essence and nature of taxes.
G. Malashkhia presented fundamental future changes in the nature of the era in the form of the arrival of a new altruistic era in place of the former era of egoism, which will definitely be precondition for the establishment of fair, ethical, human, general society and general happiness. He argued the logic and probability of such a vector of development due to its true nature and profitability for everyone.”
The second scientist is G.D. Lynne, who can also be considered the founder of metaeconomics, but based on different moral, ethical and economical basis in America, he is an emeritus professor (links of his publications and sources can be found in the blog https://www.metaeconomics.info ).